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Business philosophy of R2S

What do we value?

“A business can only develop sustainably when doing business with integrity, respecting business ethics. The success of the business is the result of a process of dedication to serving customers, creating trust with partners, caring for employees, and making practical contributions to the community. Profit is important, but not the only goal to be achieved by any means, at all costs. Businesses are only sustainable when they sacrifice short-term benefits to build and preserve their image and reputation.” We believe, we will succeed thanks to this business philosophy.

Services of R2S

Elevate Vietnamese Enterprises

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Brand Story of R2S

Let us tell you our story

R2S was established on August 1, 2019 with the mission of training IT personnel for businesses, software development and IT solution consulting. The founding team consists of Mr. Le Hong Ky and he is currently the Director of R2S. In order for everyone to understand more about R2S Academy in particular and R2S in general, today let’s listen to the journey of founding R2S from Mr. Le Hong Ky!

I graduated from the major of Information Technology at the end of 2006. After graduation, I had studied for 6 months as a reserve officer at the Military Officers School of 7th Military Region. After finishing my studies as an officer with the army rank of junior lieutenant, some who asked to stay to serve in the army, I chose to work outside the military. The first company I worked as a programmer. Here, I have the task of converting the software I am using written in Visual Fox Pro to using SQL Server. Working here for 3 months and realizing that I am not suitable for this environment, I bravely applied and joined Fujinet – A company doing Outsourcing for Japan. Here I get to do my job as a Java programmer for a cable TV management application in Japan.

Nearly 3 years of working for Japanese projects, at the end of April 2010, I decided to transfer to teach at iSPACE IT College through a friend from university introduced me. This is the time when I changed from programmer to lecturer. And to be able to take classes to impart knowledge, skills and work experience to students, I had to attend a 6-month course at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education to get a pedagogical certificate. This is considered a passport for me to start teaching. Also during my time working at iSPACE, through my boss, I successfully taught a demo and started teaching in the evening at FPT Aptech (From December 2015 to May 2018).

During my time teaching at FPT Aptech, with the particularity of having many people who are working and studying outside their majors participating in the class, I had the opportunity to meet a very special student. Because that he is the oldest student (55 years old) and is currently the Director of the Port Authority in Ho Chi Minh City. And without knowing what fate, I was invited by my own students to be the Head of IT & Tourism Management Department with the task of IT management for the Port Authority and 13 representatives of the Port Authority in the Western provinces. I had worked here for 2 years before becoming a Trainer for FPT Software in Ho Chi Minh area.

Interviewing fresher candidates, directly training and evaluating Freshers is the main job. Besides, I was also assigned the task of sharing for thousands of students from large and small universities in Ho Chi Minh City. I told students about the job positions that businesses need and what knowledge and skills to be equipped with before looking for a job, etc. During 3 years working at FPT Software, I has trained more than 600 Freshers, met and interviewed thousands of students. And I wonder, how to help students access as soon as possible (Maybe in the first year) the requirements from businesses to solve a very sad situation that is unemployed students, businesses are running out of workers.

I shared my intention with a colleague who was working together at that time about building a training program to help students approach the requirements of the business sooner. We decided to establish R2S, which stands for Resource Software Solution. R2S with mission:

  1. Training human resources to work immediately for businesses (Resource)

  2. Software Development (Software)

  3. Consulting IT solutions for businesses implementing digital transformation (Solution)

With the above three tasks, R2S has launched R2S Academy with many training programs for programmers, for Testers, for BAs, for DevOps, etc. to help you equip with working experience such as: managing source code, writing clean code, working in groups, asking and answering questions to clarify requirements, etc. Currently, R2S Academy has dozens of courses and nearly 500 students have been studying. Among the students participating at R2S Academy, with online training, you have the opportunity to meet each other from all parts of the country. Even those who are in Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia also joined the course.

With training model, software development and business connection, R2S has created a learning environment close to actual needs. Not only that, students also have the opportunity to practice and be recruited by R2S. An ecosystem that connects learning and practice with reality, so students have the opportunity to learn what businesses need, gain experience through learning sessions and have job opportunities after finishing the course. R2S attaches great importance to the business philosophy of “DEFULLY serving CUSTOMERS, creating TRUST with PARTNERS, CAREING EMPLOYEES’ lives, practical CONTRIBUTIONS to the COMMUNITY“. This is the guideline for all R2S employees to act together.

Copyright© 2023. R2S Join Stock Company 
Head office: 8th Floor, Pearl Plaza Building, 561A Dien Bien Phu, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, HCMC
Office: Saigon Villas Hill, 99 Le Van Viet, Tang Nhon Phu A Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC
TIN: 0315827097
Email: (CEO)
Hotline: 0919 365 363